The cloud architecture was extended with automated features.
- Web-based communication with simulation core for simulation state updates.
- New server installation and subsequent integration in our Kubernetes high performance computing cluster.
- Backups and redundancy of our distributed storage server cluster as well as gapless data traffic encryption.
Thus, the user experiences short feedback loops, we can quickly provide more computing resources on demand, and outages do not cause data losses.
The simulation core includes now the following calculations.
- Unit commitment analysis of power plants with starts, full load hours, workload, generation, consumption, and emissions.
- Economical analysis of power plants with spot and reserve market revenues, fuel costs, fuel transport costs, emission allowance costs, and contribution margins.
- Spot price derivation based on dual variables, start-up cost based markups, and avoided start-up cost based markdowns.
The spot price reaches thereby higher levels of realism and occurs consistent with market coupling and unit commitment.
Current development
We started to program the following modules in the simulation.
- Combined Heat and Power (CHP): must-run derivation for micro, industrial and district heat with temperatures and load profiles as inputs.
- Demand-Side-Response (DSR): price driven load shifts in simulation under consideration of maximum time shift, maximum power, and shift cost.
- Flow-Based Market Coupling (FBMC): commercial flows constrained by critical network elements and contingencies.
Please let us know if you would like to have further information. Thank you.