EXIST approval
We received a positive evaluation for our business proposal and so we will move to the incubator of TU Berlin in August 2019.
The backtesting 2018 was further parameterized in following sub-models for the region of the ENTSO-E members. Public available sources and first parametrization tools has been used.
- 1223 thermal power plants as well as 273 turbines, 86 pumps and 444 basins of hydro power plants
- 5 feed-in time series (biomass, run-of-the-river, solar, wind onshore and offshore) per bidding zone, 3 demand time series (spot, positive and negative balancing) per bidding zone and NTC trading capacities (in total 60 bidding zones)
- Fuel and CO2 emission certificate costs
Browser-based graphical user interface
We achieved a first version of the browser-based graphical user interface employing web services. The development takes IT security standards into account which we obtain from the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). In the coming days this cloud will be connected to the simulation core. For test purposes the backtesting is used which will be available in the scenario generator.
Simulation core
In addition, the following features have been developed in the simulation core.
- Drawings of unavailabilities (parameterization of revisions and outages based on stochastic distributions)
- Aggregation and disaggregation of hydro power plants (handle excessive complexity)
- Detailed power plant modeling (hydro networks, work-related efficiencies and minimum power)
Please let us know if you would like to have further information. Thank you.