Flow-Based Market Coupling

After numerous challenges with numerical mathematics, indexing, searching, caching, memory and testing, we are proud to announce that we can now simulate the Flow-Based Market Coupling (FBMC). Our backtesting includes the historical FBMC domain for the Central Western European (CWE) market region comprising Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.


The simulated 2018 FBMC domain is formed by 458,000 exchange restrictions from the Joint Allocation Office (JAO). The FBMC model can be used for an annual coupled time frame for the ENTSO-E system with NTC restrictions for regions without FBMC. The run includes simultaneously thermal power plants and coupled hydro power plant networks without aggregation (approx. 2,000 units).


The cloud platform offers a mobile responsive design and visualizes automatically the power plant data of a scenario using OpenStreetMap. The browser-based drag and drop file upload checks directly the syntax and consistency. Further, the platform provides now a scenario tree management for the parameterization of consistent multiple scenarios at once.

Please let us know if you would like to have further information. Thank you.

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